Solar Generators for Home – EcoFlow New Zealand | Official Store

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Solar Generators for Home - EcoFlow New Zealand
Solar Generators for Home

Why You Should Consider a Solar Power Generator to Backup Your Home

Making your home ready for an emergency power supply is becoming increasingly important. In an era when natural disasters and storms take out power more frequently, solar generators are an ideal solution to power your home. 
If you're looking for a clean, reliable way to power your home during a blackout and is compact enough to take camping, then portable solar generators may be ideal for you.


What is a solar power generator?

A solar generator, also known as a portable power station, stores energy from sunlight or the grid for emergency home backup power or off-grid activities, such as camping.


How do solar generators work?

Solar generators work alongside solar panels to collect energy that gets stored in a solar battery until it’s needed. This energy then needs to be converted from direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC) using an inverter so that the energy can power the electrical devices in your home.


Why might you consider a solar generator for your home? 

emergency power during blackout

Emergency Home Power

You might consider solar-powered generators if you live in an area that often experiences blackouts or inclement weather, or if you need a home backup system in case of an emergency.

Gas generators have typically been the favored choice for powering homes until recently, however many now realize the advantages of solar power generators.


Solar Generators Can Be Used Indoors
You need a steady supply of fossil fuel and plenty of storage space to run one of those gas-guzzling generators. It can be impractical and dangerous to store gallons of gasoline. Gas generators emit emissions, including carbon monoxide, so it's important to keep them outside and at a safe distance from the house. Generators powered by fuel can't be left out in the rain, so they have to be covered but ventilated.

With solar power systems, there is no need for fuel, and they are completely odorless and clean, so they can be used anywhere, including inside your home.

In comparison to silent portable solar power stations, natural gas generators are relatively noisy, averaging 60-70 decibels. It's comparable to a restaurant or an office. No, thank you. 

Saves You Money
There is no doubt that whole house solar generators can be pricey, so it's understandable that people wonder if they're worth it. The primary reason for homeowners to invest in solar panels and solar generators is to harness sustainable energy and to save money. 

With the DELTA Pro ecosystem, energy is constantly stored, so grid power is less reliant on it. You can view a breakdown of your home's energy consumption on the EcoFlow app, then customize your energy consumption to reduce your bills.

There is, of course, an initial expense, especially if you’re preparing to power much of your home. However, you can start small using a solar generator and a few solar panels to power essential household appliances such as a TV or computer, and you’ll reduce your electricity bills gradually. Some devices, such as DELTA Pro, allow you to increase the power capacity with extra units and batteries.

Over time, you can become more independent from the grid, saving money on electricity bills in the process.

Home Battery Generators Offer Peace of Mind
Preparing to power your home using portable power stations during a blackout provides home security for you and your family. With the right size solar generator, you can run heaters, your fridge, and other essentials during a storm or power outage.

Better for the Environment
Solar energy is clean and the most abundant renewable resource available to use. So, no matter why you’re using a solar generator, you’ll be lowering your carbon footprint and helping to combat climate change. 

Solar Generators Can Power Your Whole House 


With the right combination of solar generators and panels, you’ll be able to power most of the appliances in your house. Location also plays a factor here. Places with more year-round sun are better suited to whole-house solar power. 

EcoFlow solar generators can be charged in a multitude of ways. So, even when there are overcast days, you can recharge using the grid or Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations, a unique addition to the DELTA Pro.

Using a kit or specially designed ecosystem, such as DELTA Pro’s, it's possible to integrate seamlessly with your home’s wiring. So, if you do experience a blackout, your whole house will be back on in less than a second.  

How to Choose the Best Solar Generator for Your Home?

 Before buying a battery-powered generator, you should have a clear idea of how many watts you want to power. If you’re planning to run a few devices to cut utility bills or essentials during an outage, then a smaller battery is enough for lighting and essential electronic devices. To power your whole house, then you’ll need something larger. 

Once you know how many watts you want to power, you can look for a battery with the best capacity for your needs. If you’re considering sizing up at a later date, then look for an option with additional batteries or add-ons.

Small Solar Generators for Some Household Appliances

   If you only plan to power a few basic appliances, a battery generator between 500Wh and 1000Wh is plenty. DELTA mini has a capacity of 882Wh and an output of 1400W, allowing you to charge basics like your refrigerator and TV for around 5-6 hours. It’s also portable enough to take with you on a camping trip.

EcoFlow power stations use proprietary X-Boost technology that increases output to power appliances with a larger wattage. EcoFlow mini’s output jumps up to 2200W (from 1400W) when X-Boost is enabled, allowing it can power a 1650W toaster oven, but at 1400W. 

Medium Solar Generators for Occasional Home Backup


  Portable generators with a capacity of 1000-2000Wh, such as DELTA Max, work perfectly as a temporary solution for home backup. With an output of 2400W, it can power almost all your electronics during a blackout. Plus, expand its capacity to 7.2kWh with a Smart Extra Battery or 10.8kWh with Smart Extra Batteries.


Large Solar Generators for Whole-home Power

Portable power stations with a capacity of over 3000Wh are real powerhouses capable of keeping your entire house powered. These larger units are less mobile, but generators such as the DELTA Pro, have additional batteries available to increase capacity to a massive 25kWh. DELTA Pro can also integrate with your home using the Smart Home Panel (coming soon).

Whether you’re looking to reduce your electricity bills, prepare your home for a blackout or power your whole home, there’s a range of portable solar generators from EcoFlow that fit any scenario. Learn more about how each of our solar power generators can work for. you and your home.